Our store
Sing to God, sing in praise of His name.
Music albums to exalt the name of Jesus and draw His people into deep, intimate worship.
Songs that will be a blessing to the body of Christ, bringing God’s people into the very presence of God.
Our Music Albums
Songs produced through the wisdom and inspiration by the Lord Jesus Christ.
Get 2 of our albums for a discounted price.
Get “Forged In Worship” and “My Father’s Heart” for just USD $14.00.
Proceeds goes to support the Mission Fields.
GoForthAsia assures all donors that all designated funds will be channeled to the specified projects and ministries, without any levy imposed. All proceeds will be reinvested into developing communities, transforming lives and restoring dignity amongst the marginalized.

Concregation of Talents
Special and unique talents from God’s Kingdom converge to create masterpieces to raise money to further and support missions. The time has come for young people to jointly put their ‘hands on the plough’ in giving, praying and going.
Praise the Lord
Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music; make music to the LORD with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing, with trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn—shout for joy before the LORD, the King. Let the sea resound, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. – Psalm 98:4-7