GFA Monthly Prayer Meeting – Subang, Malaysia
We prayed for the ministry of GFA as well as God’s anointing and financial blessing on all our field workers in order to accomplish the Great Commission.
We prayed for the ministry of GFA as well as God’s anointing and financial blessing on all our field workers in order to accomplish the Great Commission.
We continue in obedience to the Great Commission – to go and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
Community Outreach & Ministry at Various Locations in Myanmar. Built a small house, organized a conference and fellowshipped with an army infantry battalion.
4th GFA Leadership Training at Landhi, Pakistan from 6th to 9th February 2019. Home visitations, sharing the Word of God, prayers, healing and spiritual growth.
Some youth from our church accompanied me and we staged “The Good Samaritan” drama. A number of people accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour.