GFA 2019 Thanksgiving Dinner – Harvest Christian Centre – Subang, Malaysia
March 2019
GFA 2019 Thanksgiving Dinner – Harvest Christian Centre – Subang, Malaysia
GFA had a thanksgiving service complete with dinner and celebrations in March this year. It was a time of giving God all thanks and praise for His amazing work in the harvest fields and also for all our faithful workers and volunteers. A big ‘thank you’ as well to all our donors who have faithfully sown into God’s kingdom!
In 2019, we are looking to purchase a piece of land in Bangladesh on which to build a parsonage, a halfway house and a training centre. The training centre will be used to provide skills and vocational training programs for new converts.
The past year has not been an easy one but God has faithfully sustained us and provided for us. We look forward to a blessed and fruitful 2019!