Medical Camp – Meharpur, Bangladesh
Most people came with various health issues. Proper medication was dispensed and we also conducted blood glucose tests for some patients.
Most people came with various health issues. Proper medication was dispensed and we also conducted blood glucose tests for some patients.
Medical Mission at Village 87 – Chichawatni District, Pakistan. Village 87 is one of the inaccessible areas of the Shiwal District with a population of approximately 1,600 people, comprising around 230 families.
We were able to serve more than 422 patients in Comilla District, which is under the Dhaka Division. Common health conditions are stomach problems, Hepatitis A/B/C, skin diseases, dental problems, fever, mental sicknesses and diabetes.
This is a village with 95% inhabitants are Christian. There are 150 families but the literacy rate is low: only 10-15%. Unhygienic conditions have resulted in many sicknesses. Majority of the inhabitants rely on agricultural produce as their livelihood.
Medicare clinics provided by volunteer doctors, nurses, pharmacists and physiotherapists who tithe valuable time from their busy schedules to show Christ’s love in treating villagers from remote and hard-access places.